Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa

Thanks to God. Finally, my proposal had been accepted by DIKTI. This is my first experience after 4 time trying in the semester before. Alhamdulillah, it is the first word whichspeak in my lip. Unbelieveble but it’s true for me. I never try to give up, when i fail, yes i am very sad but in my deep heart i never give up. I always pray in my heart, someday that i never know the time i will get it.

And this day is my day... ups our day. It’s my group day exactly. In other hand, it’s make me to divide my time to three major part, These are Final Project 1, Final Project 2, and my proposal. But.... bismillah, keep calm and trust Allah. I hope this semester is my last semester in Bandung Institute of Technology. Thanks for DIKTI for your accetance my proposal and for your Bidik misi scholarship. Becuase of it, i can build my dream and inshaaAllah can get it few years later. Amiin.  

Allah.... give me power to finish this last semester on time. I want to graduate from this campus in July 2014 or October 2014. And give me the best way to get my All dream for me, my family, my religion and indonesia.

Bismillah, I can do it.

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