Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Curhatan ibu yang galau anaknya mau masuk PTN

Yeah, this is this is my afternoon story when I go to canteen near Unpad (Padjajaran University). As you know, this afternoon I go to canteen. I ride motorcycle to there. This canteen is one of many favorite canteen in this world. What make this canteen favrite to me? Because the seller is from tegal hehehe. What the connection between tegal and favorite? Because the woman who sell in this canteen always speak javanese to me. This is always done by the same javanese in Pasundan land. Because of that, This canteen make me favoriting this canteen.

And today, i think this is the second times she open the dialogue with me, the buyer hehehe. She begun with her confusing about her child that will enter university world. She confused with her child because her child didn’t join school organization like me :p . It’s like me. She also quite woman. That made she confused. And the other that make her confuse was the child ask to bought ‘detik-detik UAN’. I think this book is best seller every year. Then I ask her, why didn’t you buy ther in tegal? She answer that she don’t know where place to buy that book and so did the child. And she ask me to bought it for the child. And I didn’t believe  I can find it in every market. And I forgot to ask her phone number if sometime i find this book i call her.

And The final what make her confused was because her child want to enter just favorite university in this country. I am not brave to mention its institution here, because it is relative. And then I suggested to try enroll that all universities, and she was afraid if the university tuition fee is so expensive for her. I try to explain her that the tuition fee is depending of her ability. And she was afraid that the enroll is difficult and i explain to try enroll it. Because of that, it make me conscious to be grateful to Allah about The grace that had given for me. Thanks Allah, I always forget You, and I always make mistake. But Your Forgiveness is wide.

This is very great experience I can go to pasundan island here.

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa

Thanks to God. Finally, my proposal had been accepted by DIKTI. This is my first experience after 4 time trying in the semester before. Alhamdulillah, it is the first word whichspeak in my lip. Unbelieveble but it’s true for me. I never try to give up, when i fail, yes i am very sad but in my deep heart i never give up. I always pray in my heart, someday that i never know the time i will get it.

And this day is my day... ups our day. It’s my group day exactly. In other hand, it’s make me to divide my time to three major part, These are Final Project 1, Final Project 2, and my proposal. But.... bismillah, keep calm and trust Allah. I hope this semester is my last semester in Bandung Institute of Technology. Thanks for DIKTI for your accetance my proposal and for your Bidik misi scholarship. Becuase of it, i can build my dream and inshaaAllah can get it few years later. Amiin.  

Allah.... give me power to finish this last semester on time. I want to graduate from this campus in July 2014 or October 2014. And give me the best way to get my All dream for me, my family, my religion and indonesia.

Bismillah, I can do it.

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

My favorite teacher in State Islamic Senior high school in Kediri

It’s nostalgic for me, because my lovely teacher is my senior high school teacher. My favorite techer teach chemistry. She is..... yes, she is..... because she is woman. She teach me how to love chemistry. From her, I can feel chemistry is a friend. Until now, i still love chemistry.

Her name is Roro Dewi Mashitoh. Her nickname is Mrs. Roro or Mrs. Dewi. I think that she is one of beautiful teacher in State Islamic Senior high school 3 Kediri City. She is calm. Every there was many naughty student, she just gave smile and never angry with the student. When in the first year, she thaught me but in the next year, others teacher thaught me. But the others still made me feel excited to study chemistry. But, still Mrs. Roro is the best chemistry techer.

Althought in the second year I wasn’t thaught by Mrs. Roro, I could meet her in the club of olimpiad student. Maybe because i was quiet student, so she gave me a lot of attention. Because of that, someday i tell many secret story :) . After that, she always gave motivation for me when I confuse with my university which must i enroll. She also gave me motivation when i join olimpiad level province. And unforgotable moment when she deliver me with my olimpiadmate in State Islamic University of malang.
Until now, we still communicate via short message. She always give me motivation to catch my dream. And her husband was study in germany 10 years ago. This is make me excited to ask about her husband. Thats all, she still is my favorite techer until now. I never forget with her. I hope you always give me motivation and spirit to build and catch my dreams.  

Just Live Your Life and Be Happy

I agree with it. We can change the others mind but we can do the best to avoid it. This world is very heterogen, so we must admire each person beside us. We have a mind that different each other, it's diversity like a rainbow that have much colour which make it so beautiful in our eyes. But don't make other angry with our doing.

*if you think this text so fool, i dont care. I have my way to catch my dream, and you have your way. dont disturb my way to catch my dream*

Still a half year, yet a year

Hey my blogga, I want to writing someting about my minds in english. And now, i want to tell you right now, hehehe. Whatever this writing is so fool, or so bad or sounimportant but i want to enjoy my english. Today is the first experience a half year without go hometown. it go to a year without go home. I don’t know what must i feel. Many work must do in here. It’s hard but I must do it. But I hope that this effort give results for me. And let the water flow in it's way...

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Belajar dari Alam

Belajar dari Korek Api...

Satu pohon dapat membuat jutaan batang korek api. . 
Tapi satu batang korek api dapat membakar jutaan pohon.. . 

Satu pikiran negatif dapat membakar semua pikiran positif. 
Korek api mempunyai kepala, tetapi tidak mempunyai otak. . 
oleh karena itu setiap kali ada gesekan kecil, sang korek api langsung terbakar. 

Kita mempunyai kepala, dan juga otak, 
jadi kita tidak perlu terbakar amarah hanya karena gesekan kecil. 

Ketika burung hidup, ia makan semut. 
Ketika burung mati, semut makan burung. 

Waktu terus berputar sepanjang zaman. 
Siklus kehidupan terus berlanjut. 

Jangan merendahkan siapapun dalam hidup, 
bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena siapa diri kita. 

Kita mungkin berkuasa tapi WAKTU lebih berkuasa daripada kita. 
Waktu kita sedang jaya, kita merasa banyak teman di sekeliling kita. 
Waktu kita sakit, kita baru tahu bahwa sehat itu sangat penting, jauh melebihi HARTA. . 

Ketika kita tua, kita baru tahu kalau masih banyak yang belum dikerjakan. 
Dan, setelah di ambang ajal, kita baru tahu ternyata begitu banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia. 
Hidup tidaklah lama, sudah saatnya kita bersama-sama membuat HIDUP LEBIH BERHARGA. 

Saling menghargai, Saling membantu dan memberi, juga saling mendukung. . 
Jadilah teman perjalanan hidup yg tanpa pamrih dan syarat. 
Believe in "Cause and Effect" 
Apa yang ditabur, itulah yang akan kita tuai. 

Do the best. . 
be the best. . 
and for the best. . 

Semangat .