Kamis, 07 Februari 2013

Indonesia Mengajar

Finally, I can post in my blog and give a picture in every post. Before this day-about 1 week, I can give a picture in my post and alhamdulillah for this day I can give it.

I had just read a post from Herry Dharmawan's blog. By the way, i read this blog because I want to seek new information, new motivation and new idea for write new blog's post in english.

In that blog, i find a word which can make me laugh and make my mind fly in imagination to the place where i can reach it for now, but InsyaAllah in future. That place is in borneo :D. The paragraph as below:

"Aku senang karena bernyanyi bersama bapa(k) dan bernyanyi bersama teman. Dan aku juga senang bermain bersama bapa(k). Permainan itu sangat lucu. Yang satu dua tiga bom dan siapa yang kalah akan dihuku(m) joget di depan. Dan aku juga senang karena melihat bapa(k) berjoget. Bapa(k) itu sangat lucu. Dan aku senang karena bernyanyi bersama teman dan aku senang karena belajar bersama teman."

This word make me smile alone and touch my deep heart. I finally understand that in other Indonesian's part need for help in many sector to build up them. Honestly, i do't want to join "Indonesia mengajar", but I want to do other action that can help it.

I want to be a engineer in agricultural appliance which can provide food needs. I want to get knowledge as high as possible I can reach with scholarship actually. I have a dream to bring Indonesia can provide it's neccesity in energy, food and others sector.

Back to the topic, I read again a good statement from my BEM's President that can arise my spirit. 
Setelah mendapatkan materi multiple intelligence dan membaca buku "gurunya manusia" karya pak Munif Chatib, saya semakin yakin bahwa memang tidak ada anak yang bodoh dan nakal. Seringkali cap-cap negatif dari lingkungan yang justru menguatkan karakter-karakter dalam diri anak. Selain itu saya juga menyadari bahwa setiap anak pasti memiliki kelebihan dalam bidangnya masing-masing. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah stimulasi yang tepat dan kemampuan menjelajahi (discovering ability) potensi anak. 

In every our weakness, we insyaAllah have a ability which is different to each other. No time to blame our self, Now is the time to find our hiden ability. We have ability to hide our weakness.

read from : 

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